Knowing Us...

Today, Strategi Mutiara has grown and progressed to become one of the leading garden furniture manufacturers in Malaysia. We export more than a thousand of containers yearly, to our valued customers from Europe, North and South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and etc. Towards meeting global expectation of an environmental friendly atmosphere with strong emphasis of a greener world, we always source our raw material i.e. timber / logs from genuine sustainable forests. This is further confirmed with our accreditation with MTCC-COC (Malaysian Timber Certificate Council – Chain-of-Custody) and also FSC®-COC (Forest Stewardship Council® – Chain-of-Custody). The last few years we have achieved and maintained ISO 9001:2000 accreditation to ensure our professionalism in management and controls.

As an innovative and reliable manufacturer of high quality tropical hardwood furniture, Strategi Mutiara has moved from downstream activities only to also upstream ones. We have been operating our own sawmill for the last three (3) years to enhance our furniture manufacturing operations downstream. Our plant is also equipped with our own fully automatic kiln-drying facilities as well as the complete range of advanced wood-working machineries from Germany, Italy, Japan and Taiwan. Our main source of tropical hardwood comes from our very own Malaysian Meranti, Nyatoh, Merpauh, Bekak, Sepetir, Acacia and etc. Our 3-storeyed office and showroom (size 1,500m2) together with the manufacturing plant plus the sawmill sits on a total area of about 800,000 sq feet. It is situated in Kuala Pilah, a town southwards of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), just about 80km away. Our workforce today is more than 800 employees.

The current scenario of a highly competitive marketplace coupled with our strong desire to outperform this industry has always been our main driving force to persistently innovate and set new standards for the benefits of our valued customers. Our objective is to be your “Preferred Supplier”.
Manufacture Process...